Friday, March 12, 2010

Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff (meal 2; week 2)

Sorry I missed posting last night. It has been warm and sunny here in Indiana and we spent a good part of our day outside! We had leftover roast last night for dinner - even better the 2nd time around!

My neighbor had mentioned how she frequently goes to the grocery and looks for the 'quick sell' meat to get ideas for her dinners. I was at Sam's Club yesterday and they had a few kinds of meat labeled 'quick sell'. (an aside, Sam's Club has very good quality meat) One was beef stew meat. Now, I have no idea what to make with stew meat (besides beef stew), but I thought that would be a perfect opportunity to try something new! The package was enough for 2 meals, so I divided it and froze half of the meat.

When I searched for 'stew beef' on All Recipes, I found some slow cooker stroganoff recipes. We love stroganoff, so that's what I'm making. I modified the online recipe with my mom's recipe.

1-1.5 lbs of beef stew meat, cubed
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 tblsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 packet of dry onion soup mix
1/4 cup water
1 can of sliced mushrooms (my addition)

4oz of sour cream (the recipe called for cream cheese here, but my mom uses sour cream in hers)

Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Mix in sour cream before serving. Serve with egg noodles (or rice).

A personal tid-bit about stroganoff, my family always made stroganoff with pieces of beef in sauce served over noodles. My husband's family make their stroganoff with ground beef and serve it over rice. Sometimes I have to compromise and either make the beef with rice or the ground beef with noodles!
*we are going out of town for a couple of days, so I won't be posting again until Monday! Have a great weekend.

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