Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My meal experiment

This is my attempt to be more creative and responsible in cooking for my family. I have a pantry and freezer full of food and my wallet is too light to go out to eat. Too often I wait until 4:45 to decide 'what's for dinner' and by that time it's just easier to get take-out. By making myself accountable to this blog, my goal is to think ahead and get creative in the kitchen!

Objectives of this blog:

*to intentionally plan, shop, and prepare 4 meals in a week.
*to share with you my recipes, techniques, thoughts, and results of each meal
*to inspire other moms to try to make time to cook!

I hope you will join me in my adventure. I will be totally honest and will share my successes and my failures with you as they happen!

Happy cooking!


  1. Kriste,
    Not sure if you guys are a fan of curry. I had never cooked with it before until I made this recipe. It was so easy and tasty (as long as you like curry).

  2. Can't wait to see what you come up with! I HATE to cook and am always looking for simple, fast recipes.
