Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I want my baby back baby back (meal 1)

Let's just say I am now blissfully full and happy! The ribs turned out fabulous! They were falling off the bone - no knife needed. I ended up wrapping them tightly in foil and baking for 2.5 hours at 300 degrees. I then took off the foil and put more barbeque sauce on them and place them under the broiler for 15 more minutes until the sauce caramelized.
I made homemade mashed potatoes and some steamable mixed vegetables to go with the ribs.

This really was a very easy and relatively mess-free way to make ribs. It takes a bit of planning ahead, making the rub and marinating overnight, but it is WELL worth it. Enjoy!

Tomorrow night, my husband is going out with his co-workers for dinner. It will just be me and the boys, so it will probably be a quick-prep meal.

1 comment:

  1. These do you say....awesome. Finger-licking awesome on a bone.
