Monday, March 22, 2010

Taco Salads (meal 3; week 3)

Mmmm, taco salad! This is one of my favorite meals to make. I feel like I'm eating guilt free, what with all the lettuce and tomatoes! Okay, maybe it's not total health food, but it is a one-dish meal!

Tonight I added a can of black beans to my meat to help stretch it for two meals. I used half of the meat mixture tonight for the salad and I will keep the other half for a meal later this week. (Maybe enchiladas or mexican lasagna)

For our taco salads, we use the bagged shredded lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheese, taco sauce, meat and sour cream. Then we top off the salad with crushed chips (Fritos are my favorite!). How do you make your taco salads?

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